16) Title: Computational Mathematics, Computational Statistics and Applications

Organizers: M. Filomena Teodoro, CEMAT, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa and CINAV, Escola Naval, Instituto Universitário Militar, Portugal. Marina A. P. Andrade, ISTAR, ISCTE, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal. Teresa A. Oliveira, DC&T, Universidade Aberta and CEAUL-Center of Statistics and Applications of University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Email: mteodoro64@gmail.com, marina.andrade@iscte-iul.pt, Teresa.Oliveira@uab.pt

This session intends to address Computation and Mathematical Methods which are noticeably necessary for the understanding of many actual problems that arise in the applied sciences, in particular under the aim of risk analysis. Given the large scope of potential approached problems, the aim of this issue is to collect original and high-quality papers either focused essentially in the applied presented problems or more general theoretical views concerned with conceptual approaches of interest.
At this Symposium, we are interested in multidisciplinary research that conveys different and innovative perspectives in the fields of computation, mathematical methods in applied sciences and data science.


  • Computational Mathematics
  • Computational Statistics
  • Computational Methods
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Bio-Mathematics
  • Biomedical Statistics
  • Graphical Models
  • Probabilities and Stochastic Processes
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Industrial Mathematics
  • Data Science
  • Risk
  • Risk Analysis
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