Organizers: Dr. Gerasimos Rigatos – Unit of Industrial Automation, Industrial Systems Institute, 26504, Rion Patras, Greece, Dr. Gennaro Cuccurullo, Dr. Pierluigi Siano – Department of Industrial Engineering and Department of Management and Innovation Systems, University of Salerno, 84084, Fisciano, Italy, Dr. Masoud Abbaszadeh – Department of Electrical Computer and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 12065, USA, Dr. Taniya Ghosh – IGIDR, Institute of Development Research, 400065, Mumbai, India
The solution of the control problem for nonlinear dynamical systems becomes a nontrivial task when thesesystems do not fulfil directly linearizability conditions or when the related state-space models are charac-terized by underactuation. Besides, the solution of the control problem for such systems is often inhibitedby model uncertainty and time-delays affecting the state variablesor the control inputs. Additionally,for state-space models of high-dimensionality computational complexity issues may hinder the implemen-tation of specific nonlinear control approaches. Moreover, inability to measure the entire state vector ofthese systems and model invalidation make a necessity to treat state estimation and unknown dynamicsidentification issues jointly with the design of stabilizing feedback controllers. Finally, in case that the spa-tiotemporal dynamics of the controlled systems has to be taken into account, elaborated PDE controllerdesign and state estimation methods have to be considered. To address the above, this Special Sessionwill examine recent advances in (i) control with methods of exact (global) linearization, (ii) control withmethods of approximate (local) linearization (iii) control with Lyapunov stability approaches (adaptivecontrol) (iv) nonlinear control based on stochastic estimation methods (joint nonlinear control and filteringmethods) (v) control of distributed parameter systems (PDE control).Topics of importance for the Special Session on ”Control and estimation for systems with complex nonlineardynamics” are, but are not limited to: (i) control and estimation withglobal linearization techniques (e.g.based on differential flatness theory or Lie algebra), (ii) control and estimation with approximate lineariza-tion techniques (e.g. based on local linear models which are obtained through Taylor series expansion), (iii)control and estimation based on Lyapunov stability theory (e.g. energy-based control, adaptive control andadaptive identification techniques), (iv) control based on other optimization concepts (e.g. sliding-modecontrol and nonlinear model predictive control) (v) nonlinear control addressed to systems under specificstate-space forms (e.g. backstepping control and control implemented in cascading loops). The SpecialSession bares particular interest in applications of advanced nonlinear control and estimation techniquesto robotic and mechatronics systems, electric power and renewable energy systems, electromotion, cyber-physical systems and finally to biosystems and models describing complex dynamics in economics andfinance.Prospective authors are requested to submit their articles, untilthe30th of June 2025 to the Organizers of this session.