02) Title: The Fifteenth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences

Organizer: Dr. rer. nat. Claus-Peter Rückemann,
Universität Münster and Unabhängiges Deutsches Institut für Multi-disziplinäre Forschung (DIMF) and Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany

Email: ruckema@uni-muenster.de

Description of Symposium:
This Symposium on Advanced computation and information in Natural and Applied Sciences focuses on information science, methods, structures, and architectures for high-end computational and numerical applications and solutions. Information science, up-to-date scientific computing and information systems (software engineering, communication, and architectures), and knowledge and information-focused approaches are indispensable tools for progress and insight in various scientific fields, from prehistory, present to future scenarios.

We invite scientists and engineers from academia and industry creating, designing, using, and implementing information science-based methodologies and methods, computation and information systems, High Performance Computing, cloud computing, and distributed computing for scientific research, engineering, education, and future Internet applications.

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished results, which are not under review in any other conference or journal, to the peer review for publication and presentation, for the following (-but not limited to-) topic areas of this symposium:

  • Information science
  • Information and data processing
  • Integrated frameworks for information and computation
  • Knowledge- and data-centric approaches
  • Data structures, data organization, high-performance codes, optimization
  • Parallel algorithms, OpenMP, shared memory, MPI
  • Efficient algorithms, parallelization of algorithms and applications
  • Large scale and fast computation
  • Information and computing systems
  • Advanced software engineering, intelligent and autonomous systems
  • Software engineering for high-end systems and applications
  • Supercomputing, High Performance Computing (HPC), exa-scale
  • High End Computing (HEC), cloud computing, grid computing, distributed systems
  • Services computing
  • Database applications
  • Big data, large-scale data storage, management, and visualization
  • Programming paradigms, programming languages, parallelization tools
  • Methodological and practical contributions
  • Advanced applications and algorithms
  • Epistemological fundaments, theory and practice
  • Multi- and interdisciplinary frameworks and approaches
  • Prehistory, protohistory, archaeology, archaeo information science
  • Natural sciences, geosciences, planetology
  • Satellite and drone data processing and analysis, remote sensing
  • Geoprocessing, georeferencing, spatial sciences
  • Mathematical and numerical algorithms
  • Life sciences, humanities, medical applications
  • Simulation and modeling, genetic algorithms
  • Scientific data processing, advanced scientific computing
  • Computation frameworks and tools, computer science
  • Multi-disciplinary context integration and contextualization
  • Multi-disciplinary coherent conceptual knowledge approaches
  • Knowledge complements (factual, conceptual, procedural, metacognitive, structural)
  • Knowledge resources, creation, mining, documentation, and development
  • Knowledge-based systems, education, e-learning, and e-science
  • Documentation, classification (UDC), resources, and evaluation context
  • Emerging technologies, networks and systems communications
  • Future Internet broadband services and applications
  • Resources and object certification, public key infrastructures
  • Knowledge and data integrity
  • Privacy and anonymity
  • Networks/systems measurement, control and management, simulation and emulation
  • Performance measurement
  • Web services and performance
  • Applications and benchmarking
  • Quality of Data, Context, service (QOD / QOC / QOS), auditing, assessment, governance
  • Legal informatics, technical-legal context, science and open access
  • e-Commerce, accounting, pricing, and billing
  • Use of distributed compute and storage resources
  • Energy consumption and management
  • Energy-aware mechanisms and energy-efficient technology for operation, control, and management
  • Configuration, reuse of software components
  • Resource allocation and management
  • System and data security; communication visualization

Deadline for submitting your fully formatted 4-page paper for peer review: May 10, 2024 (final date).
Deadline for improved paper and sources: June 21, 2024 (final date).
Other deadlines and relevant information, e.g., regarding registration, can be found in the section of Dates of Importance, at http://www.icnaam.org.

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