Mini-Symposia: Meshless Particle Methods

Mini-Symposia in meshless particle methods for fluid flows, and heat and mass transfer: Mostafa S. Shadloo, CORIA-UMR 6614 – Normandie University CNRS and INSA of Rouen, Rouen, France
Meshless Particle Methods are relatively newer approach in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) which has attracted significant attention in the last two decades. They popularity is basically because of their ability to circumvent the mesh tangling problem that give some unique advantages in modeling multi-physics flows and associated transport phenomena, which sometimes comes at the cost of computational power. In this method grid is completely abandoned and the discrete viscous flow is represented by replacing the conventional mesh with a finite number of particles which can carry the fluid characteristic properties such as position, mass, velocity, and other hydrodynamics properties; and the fluid system evolution is governed by interactions between these particles. Some examples are, but not limited to: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD), Reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), Moving particle semi-implicit (MPS), Particle-in-cell (PIC), Moving particle finite element method (MPFEM), Cracking particles method (CPM), Immersed particle method (IPM), etc.

On the other hand, as these techniques are still developing CFD methods, it is crucial to identify its advantages and limitations in modeling realistic multi-physics flow problems of real life and of industrial interest. Toward this end, this session aims at presenting motivations, current state, and challenges behind utilizing these methods, making the state-of-the-art of the present application of them to industrial problems, as well as benchmarking them and deriving general conclusions regarding its assets and limitations and stressing the remaining challenges in order to make them hand-on computational tools.

Submission: All interested authors for this Mini-Symposia are required to submit their research papers to with a carbon to

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