Announcement of an Upcoming Thematic Special Issue
Topic: Nanofluid Mechanics and Phase Change Material
Closing date for submissions: 31 December 2024
Special Issue dedicated to Nanofluid Mechanics and Phase Change Material including the 19th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flows, Heat and Mass Transfer - Numerical Fluids 2024
Special Issue Guest Editors
- Managing Guest Editor: Dia Zeidan - German Jordanian University, Jordan
- Associate Guest Editors:
Eric Goncalves - Institut Pprime, ISAE-ENSMA, France
Jochen Merker - HTWK Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany
This call is an invitation to contribute to a Special Issue of Acta Mechanica Sinica Journal on the topic Nanofluid Mechanics and Phase Change Material. In addition to invited contributions this special issue will include selected papers that accepted and presented at the 18th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flows, Heat and Mass Transfer - Numerical Fluids 2023, 11-17 September 2023, Crete, Greece, the annual Numerical Fluids Symposium is a part of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM) and is a reference meeting focusing on various subjects of numerical methods for fluid flows, heat and mass transfer. This year, the special issue will focus on development of numerical methods for nanofluid mechanics and phase change material, formulation, identification and resolution of fluid flows and multi-physics problems involving incompressible and compressible fluid flows. We believe that Acta Mechanica Sinica journal is one of the most suitable outlets for the publication of research associated with this topic and both original works and review articles are solicited for this special journal issue.
Topics of interest to this Special Issue include, but are not limited to:
- Formulation, identification and resolution of multidimensional fluid flows, heat and mass transfer
- Numerical methods for fluid flows including heat and mass transfer and chemical reactions multi-phase fluid flow problems
- Non-Newtonian flows
- Free surface, environmental and geophysical flows
- Population balance modelling, optimization and control
- Agglomeration, breakup and collision
- Polymer processing
- Shock waves, combustion and explosions
- Biological fluid flows
- Granular and porous media
- Renewable and non-renewable energies
- Microfluidics and nanofluidics
- Supercritical fluids and processes
- Fluid-structure interactions
- Multiphysics involving fluid flows and other applications
- Turbulence and phase interaction in fluid dynamics
- Engineering applications of fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer
- Experimental measurements and numerical modelling of the fluid flows, heat and mass transfer
Schedule and Deadlines
- Submission Start Date: 01 April 2024
- Article Type Name - SI: NmPM
- Closing date for submissions: 31 December 2024
- Tentative publication date: June 2025