Planned Sessions and Symposia

We invite proposals for organizing Sessions, Workshops, and Minisymposia at ICNAAM 2025.

To submit a proposal, the organizer must provide the following:

  1. Title of the Session, Workshop, or Minisymposium: Clearly state the title.
  2. Description: A brief overview of the proposed topic (not exceeding 150 words).
  3. Organizer Information: Name, affiliation, mailing address, and email address(es) of the proposer(s).
  4. Promotional Strategy: A summary of the methods that will be used to promote the Session, Workshop, or Minisymposium, as the organizer is responsible for advertising.
  5. CV: A short curriculum vitae of the organizer.

Important Note: Each author may submit a maximum of four (4) papers.

Upon approval of the proposal, the organizer will be responsible for selecting the papers for presentation. All accepted papers must be submitted to the ICNAAM Secretariat by July 30, 2025.

  • If a Session consists of at least 6 fully paid physical registrations, the organizer will receive free registration for ICNAAM 2025.
  • For Workshops or Minisymposia with at least 15 fully paid physical registrations, the organizer will receive free registration and partial coverage of accommodation expenses.

For more details on organizing Sessions, Workshops, or Minisymposia, including responsibilities and submission procedures, please refer to the Call for Sessions page.

If you wish to submit a paper to any of the planned Sessions or Symposia, please use the email address(es) of the respective organizer(s).

Planned Sessions and Symposia

Organizers: Rajaa El Akoury, IMFT, INP, Toulouse, Elisabeth Lacazedieu, LAMIH, UPHF, INSA HdF, Valenciennes, Yannick Hoarau, ICUBE, UNISTRA, Strasbourg


Recent improvements of solvers involved in computational mechanics lead to new capabilities for modeling heterogeneous systems. Interfacial coupling effects can be captured by using advanced multi-scale multi-phase multi-physics computational strategies. However, there are still challenges remaining in order to increase accuracy and reduce computational time when addressing real cases.
As far as fluid solid interaction is concerned, the session proposes to highlight the following topics: physics-informed modeling, data-driven modeling, hydrid ANN- based modeling, model reduction, homogenization, turbulence in single- and two- phase flows, stability analysis, heat transfer, particle dispersion.

Organizers: Prof. Ing. Martin Krejsa, Ph.D. 1) , Prof. Ing. Eva Kormaníková, Ph.D. 2) , Assoc. Prof. Ing. Katarína Tvrdá, Ph.D. 3)
1) Faculty of Civil Engineering, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic,
2) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia,
3) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia


The main purpose of the Symposium “Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Simulations in Statics and Dynamics of Structures” is the presentation of new methods to analyse of safety and reliability of the structures under extreme loads as the earthquake and climatic loads (temperature, wind, snow, and others), terroristic attack (aircraft, missile, blast, fire and others) or technology accident (explosion, fire, high temperature, overpressure, impact load and others). The nonlinear material and geometric behaviour of structures is necessary consider during extreme loads. The risk the structure collapse is determined by the model and resistance uncertainties. The deterministic and probabilistic analysis of the structure failure during the extreme loading can be used. The probabilistic assessment gives us the most complex analysis of the acceptable level of risk. Recently, the theories of probability and statistics and reliability have provided the bases for modern structural design codes and specifications.
The main objectives of the Symposium are developing:
 The advanced methods and simulations of structure failure under extreme loads,
 The nonlinear material and geometric model of structures and the effective numerical methods,
 The advances in the soil-base-structure or soil-fluid-structure interaction analysis under seismic loads,
 The experimental tests and the fluid simulation of the blast or extreme wind impact on structures with various shape,

 The optimization of the new composite materials or structure shape to have the higher safety of the structure under impact of extreme loads,
 The simulation probabilistic methods and the stochastic finite elements to probabilistic analysis of the structure resistance due to extreme loads,
 The risk analysis of the structure failure using the fragility curves of the structural elements for various type of accident or extreme loads,
 The reliability-based optimization procedures to consider of the effects of uncertainty by means of reliability, the applications involving optimal structural design for stochastic linear and nonlinear statics and dynamics.
 The experience from the experimental tests, modelling and simulations of the structure failure under extreme loads using the deterministic or probabilistic assessment were welcome.

Organizers: Prof. Antonio Esposito 1 , Prof. Giuseppe Mantegna 1 , Dr Carmelo Vindigni 1 , Prof. Filippo Masseni 2 .
1 Kore University of Enna, Via delle Olimpiadi, 94100 Enna, Italy.
2 Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy


MPAS Symposium focuses on new results of aerospace science research carried out by using mathematical and computational techniques.
The aim of the Symposium is to collect relevant papers dealing with important approaches of applied and computational mathematics that have relevance to engineering in the field of Aerodynamics and Fluid dynamics, Propulsion, Materials and Structures, Aircraft and Spacecraft Systems, Flight Mechanics and Control, Aerospace Systems and Missions. Papers must be characterized by innovative models, methods and approaches that can found practical application to the engineering field or by new useful application of existing models to solve aerospace engineering problems.
The Symposium will be characterized by a multidisciplinary nature that, by means of a common need for mathematical and numerical models, can invite authors involved in the implementation and use of mathematical and computational approaches with applications in different aerospace science areas including, but not limited to: Adaptive Control, All-Electric Aircraft advancements, Fluid dynamics, Additive Manufacturing for Aerospace, Aviation Human Factor, Green Aviation, Aeroelasticity, Avionics, Noise control, Aircraft Design, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Optimization, Control and Identification, Aircraft Flight Control Systems, Computational Mechanics, Propulsion Systems, Aircraft Guidance Navigation and Control, Damage and Fracture Mechanics, Sensors and Actuators, Aircraft Maintenance and Failure Analysis, Digital Twins, Smart Structures and Materials, Aircraft Systems and Equipment, Flight Mechanics, Space Engineering and Technology, Aircraft Transportation, Flight Simulation, Space Exploration and Missions, Air Traffic Management, Flight Tests, Structures and Materials

Organizer:  Prof. Dunhui Xiao, School of mathematical sciences, Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R.China. 200092.  


Deep learning and data science have shown great potential in many fields. Computational simulation or modelling is a very important area and plays an important role in science and technology. It also provides a fantastic tool to help us understand the world and It is urgent to apply the powerful data science into computational modelling to help us understand the world better. Recently, various data science technology has been applied into computational modelling such as data-driven modelling, digital twin, non-intrusive reduced order modelling, physical informed neural network, and so on.  

This symposium will bring together excellent researchers and experts worldwide to present and discuss recent developments of machine learning, AI, data science in computational modelling. 

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