ICNAAM Conference Online Registration Form Submission

  • Please complete the Registration form fields bellow in order to Register to ICNAAM 2025 Conference:
  • After the Submission of the form you will be redirected to the Payment page where you can complete the payment of your registration fees via credit card or via bank transfer.
  • Your registration will be valid after we receive the payment of your registration fees


    Registration TypeNormal Registration (Until 1 July 2025)Late Registration Fees Table (Until 8 August 2025)
    Fee per paper (EUR)Fee per paper (EUR)
    Students (with supervisor confirmation)360380
    Participants from all over the World( except Developing Countries)495520
    Participants from Developing Countries410420
    Virtual Participants320320

    Registration TypeFee (EUR)
    Extra seat for Conference Central Dinner65 per person
    Accompanying person for Excursion50 per person

    *Participants who choose not to include their papers in the AIP Conference Proceedings are eligible for a €20 reduction per paper.
    **All physical participants of the ICNAAM Conference receive one complimentary ticket to the central excursion.
    ***Participants who book their accommodation at Galaxy Hotel using the accommodation form will enjoy one free entry to the central dinner.

    If you would like a proforma invoice to be sent to you for payment of the registration fees, please enter your details below:

    - Author registrations cannot be refunded after July 18, 2025.
    - All other refund requests must be submitted in writing and received before July 25, 2025.
    - A cancellation fee of 60 Euros will be deducted from the registration fees.
    - Substitution of one conference attendee for another will be accepted at any time, provided that the change is communicated via email to secretary@icnaam.org and chairman@icnaam.org.

    - For accompanying persons, please add 65 Euros for each additional seat in the Central Dinner.
    - For students, a confirmation signed by their supervisor is needed. This confirmation must be sent to the secretary's email together with the information that the fees have been paid. Important Notice: Failure to send via mail the above requested letter will render the registration incomplete.
    - With the term developing country, we mean any country except the USA, Canada, EU, and other Western European nations, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
    - The extended abstracts of the cases in which participants have paid the fees for publication of their papers in the AIP Conference Proceedings will be included in the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2024 (published in AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings).

    We note that our policy for the physical presentations of more than one paper is as follows:
    - For one paper (1): 1 registration fee
    - For two papers (2): 1.5 registration fees
    - For three papers (3): 2 registration fees
    - For four papers (4): 3 registration fees
    Please note that this policy does not refer to papers which will be presented virtually. The Conference doesn’t permit the publication of more than 4 papers with the same author(s).

    A conference dinner is planned during the conference, and accompanying persons are most welcome to join you. With your registration (and if your accommodation has been done in Galaxy Hotel), you are already entitled to the conference dinner and do not need to pay any fees. If you will be coming with extra accompanying persons, please reserve a number of additional seats here (65 Euros per seat).

    An excursion is planned during the conference, and accompanying persons are most welcome to join you. With your registration, you are already entitled to the conference excursion and do not need to pay any fees. Cost of each extra seat for the Central Excursion: 50 Euros.

    For participants of a virtual symposium without physical participation, the registration fee is 300 EUR per paper if they do not want to publish their paper in the AIP Conference Proceedings, and 320 EUR per paper if they want to publish their paper in the AIP Conference Proceedings. Notice for participants: This amount should be written on the registration form, including the number of the virtual symposium or with the declaration that your participation is virtual.

    For participants who only want to attend the conference, the entrance fee is 280 EUR.

    Registration will not be effective until:
    (a) In case of Bank Transfer (Method 1): After payment of registration fees, an informal email to the Secretary of ICNAAM (secretary@icnaam.org with a carbon copy to chairman@icnaam.org) should be sent with a copy of the bank slip attached.
    (b) In case of Payment via Credit Card (Method 2): After the successful payment of the registration fees, you will receive a receipt of a message from us that your card has been charged effectively. All payments must be "free of any charges for the payment," i.e., all bank charges have to be borne by the sender.

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